Sunday, April 13, 2014

Trip to Berlin

During the Easter break I have planned a trip to Germany, spanning four cities: Berlin, Hannover, Hildesheim, Koln. I would meet with my friends in Berlin, after traveling Berlin for a 3 days moving on to Hannover, renting bikes seeing everywhere there moving on to the Hildesheim where my friends studied, and then to Koln then back to the Hildesheim and then back to Denmark. It sounded so good and we talked about everything. There was one problem though, my lovely friends had made the obscene mistake of letting me do the planning and organization. This lead to a disaster. I have decided to go to Berlin early, Funda also was going to come with me, she learned that she could come with me in the morning, and a 20 year old German couple would share their ride with us at Sweden because we were super cheap. It was quite an adventure, trying to reach the ferry at the right time, I saw Maria the driver driving a 160 kilometers an hour, it was crazy but thankfully we were in one peace at the end.

On board the ferry, we sit at a table by the window, boyfriend of Maria, I don't know what his name is, was a curious guy, smelling like sheeps, avoiding eye contact, not making conversations other then saying "if we were at Turkey, the food would be great". Maria was friendly though, she studied music in Berlin, she played piano. After long and tiresome journey we arrived at Berlin. We struggled to find transportation to our hostel, one of the strange things that happened to us in Berlin was the Turkish guy who was listening to some really bad music through his phone speakers helping us find an ATM. In the end we found our hostel. It was quite nice, stylish and clean. We had spent about an hour or two trying to find the hostel but later in our trip we found out that our hostel was just minutes away where we passed by in the car. That was another strange thing, German couple not knowing a central street name.

Brandenburg Gate
Our time in Germany consisted of walking, walking and then some more walking, and some sightseeing. I was shocked to see the resemblance to our own Ankara. The streets were dirty just like a Turkish city, but there were really nice spots and buildings that had great architecture, which we don't have because we didn't have a Renaissance era. I have been to Hamburg last year, and I like Hamburg a lot better as a city to live in, cleaner and nicer overall.

My time in Germany made me more interested in World War 2 history, which I was proud that we weren't a part of. Its interesting that such a trip could make so many differences in someones consciousness and interests.

Well, the last day I had some trouble with my planning, and that was having no plan at all, I have just purchased a flight ticket back to Copenhagen and flew in the night. My friends in Hildesheim were disappointed, but they made it to the Berlin by themselves and had some pretty cool pictures documenting it.

Berlin trip left me really tired, I was glad to be back at Vordingborg. When I was in Berlin, I have realized something, I was identifying Vordingborg as my home, and was looking forward to go back even if I was having a really nice time in Berlin. I never felt that about the city I was studying in Mersin Turkey, I think its because of the people and the ease of getting by everyday in Denmark. For a person not so social, it was a lot easier to interact with people and have subtle friendships. I loved going to school everyday and the life in Vordingborg in general.

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