Tuesday, April 29, 2014

International Dinners

In the first semester we had international dinners irregularly, where people from different nations would prepare a dish and share it with the others. I didn't attend none of the dinners accept one of them because I couldn't cook and didn't like the idea of being a leech. This semester though I started to attend the dinners when we arranged to hold similar events.

The first international dinner was hosted by Manuela and Funda, it was the only international dinner that was held in a room instead of the university. I couldn't help carrying my not so portable speakers there for music. Because everybody was close at the table and cozy in a house environment along with Manuela's sweet playlist, it was intimate. Me and Funda were preparing the main dish, Imam Bayildi, one of my favorite traditional Turkish dishes. Sara, Christina, Stefan did the starter, Laurine and Manuela did the desert what I call "Swutch Desert". I had to go to shopping twice, once with Funda and once by myself, it took hours to prepare the dish, I was tired. But the food was super delicious and all the work was worth it. It was nice to be together and to have conversations after dinner. It was my favorite international dinner to today. I think the other one were just wasn't intimate enough, mostly because of the location and lack of anticipation and advance planning.
International Dinner #1

The second one was held at the university, on this one everybody could just make whatever they wanted, we just listed what we were going to cook prior to the day on group chat. My favorite dish was something made with toast bread.
International Dinner #2 starring pajamas
The Dishes

The last international dinner was held at the canteen, once again everybody could cook whatever day wanted accept the tutors were going to do the deserts, me and Funda didn't listen and thought everybody could use some more desert. It was a kind of a fake tramisu, basically layers of cream and biscuits with cinnamon. After the dinner, Lidia played violin. Later we moved on to the Friday's Cafe where we celebrated the birthdays of several people. Not one of my proudest nights.

International dinners were a great way to socialize and hang out with the classmates.

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