Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My First Impressions

In my first classes in Denmark there were several aspects of the teaching that were surprising for me. In every class the teachers let us introduce ourselves to the class to meet with each other, we also did that back home, but only by telling our names and the cities we come from, here we learned about each others interests and hobbies. I especially liked the way our English teacher Anne Kristine made us talk to someone from another country, first we introduce ourselves to our partner and then he or she would talk about one another to the class.
I also liked the way that we discussed topics in pairs before we have a classwide discussion. This let us put our opinions in order and compare it with our classmates. But the most important thing is that even though some of us didn't talk in front of the class, we were still active and learning.
The students called the teacher by her first name, in Turkey that is considered extremely rude. But I think using first name makes the communication with the teacher easier.
The use of technology also surprised me, the website we had our curriculums and texts is very useful for not having to checkout timetables and reading schoolboards. Most students didn't even used traditional notebooks, they used laptops in every class. Back home only a few students were using computers in the class and the campus didn't provide students with internet that works as it should.
The teachers' use of presentations on projector also made it easier for us to follow the class.

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