Thursday, March 6, 2014

Teaching Observation

Today we went to observe a class of 8 graders in a Danish school. In the first semestr I been in this school before for observation, it was a class of six graders. Even though it was the same school, there were significant differences bitween the classrooms. We were told that the school had different divisions. The classroom of 6 graders looked cleaner, more modern, the position of the seats were made to make it easier for the teacher to reach kids and vice/versa, the seats in the 8 grade classroom was in plane rows like a traditional classroom.

The first lesson was Danish, and of course we had difficulty following the class, the teacher translated and told us the plan for the class. The pupils were given a text had to answer the questions related to the text in 15 minutes. They talked about a trip to Berlin and where they wanted to visit.

The second lesson was German. The students were working with a pop song called "Monster". Strange choice of music perhaps but students were quite engaged with their task, they had papers to fill related with the lyrics.

We had to make snapshots about the students, the teacher and the student in foucs. I was focused to the students.
We had to make a presentation about our experience, changing the digital format of the snapshot was my toughest task, because I had mixed up the snapshots I had to redo them, and that took me more then other stuff I had to do for our presentation.

My snapshot pattern looked like this after the lessons:

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